A panorama of a city in Ukraine

Photo credit: Sam Heller

November 8, 2018

  • ROI Community
  • Member Voices

A spoken word poem inspired by a recent trip to Ukraine.

Here to be
Seeds of a revolution
Rooted into our own ground
A little bit lost
A little bit found
From Lviv to Odessa
A week of hot messa’s
Of vodka, oy veying
Of bussing and playing 
Of drinking and singing
Of dancing and mingling
Of learning, conversing
Our klezmer band rehearsing
Practicing magic
Our gifts everyday
Evolving, revolving
In our very own way
Just living and giving
Ourselves to the path
Allowing, surrendering
Not moving so fast
Yet process and progress allow us to GO
With time and experience, we always just know
Flowing and showing ourselves to the scene
Spinning and twirling, Ukrainian dreams
From witches to madmen
From artists to rebbes
From niggunim beats ringing deep in our heads
Hiburim, hevurot, haverim – all that jazz
Knowing this adventure has an impact that will last

Genesis, Beresheeeit, a week of pure C R E A T I O N 
Aliyat Neshama for all those in our nation
Blending tradition with new will and new ways
Discovering, uncovering, recovering
For the 7 holiest days
Strudels of lineage, digested with grace
Burning and sparking from our deepest heart space
From forest and fire to the lightest Black Sea
A new horizon is Rising
And it begins with the WE
We. Me. You…each of us mystical beings of light
Elevating our selves seeking love truth and might
And so we’ll continue, may our souls spiral on
Sparking our fire with every new dawn
Using our words, our story, our voice
Keeping this movement waving forward
With our Power of Choice
Finding faith in our hearts
Screaming to silence our mind
Connecting with powers that make us feel aligned
Feeling into our space between all the extremes
REcreating, REnewing, our grand family’s dreams
Bringing joy to a land laden heavy with pain
Trusting our presence is a powerful gain

Blessed are we
Here to be
A feast of divine presence
A collective of connection
A positive force of intention
Shining in the right direction
May all of us rise to the 
Neverending buffet of
Jewish selection
To  L I F E .