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Senior Fellows Menu of Service

We offer a variety of resources to support our Senior Fellows.

We aim for the Senior Fellows experience to serve as:

  • A community of Jewish leaders committed to your own and each other’s continuing learning, growth and development;

  • A lab space to practice new versions of your own leadership, new models of leadership and new ways of being in community; and

  • A vehicle for advancing Schusterman’s and each other’s visions.

Please note, we have included references about how we are adapting our offerings to meet your unique needs at this unprecedented time of challenge and opportunity.

Equity Resources

The Fellowship is proud to share our living commitment to equity and share Fellow-offered and Fellow-approved resources. If you have questions about the commitment to equity or the resource document, please contact Colleen.

In-Person Gatherings

In-person gatherings are one of the highlights of our program. We are so grateful to have met in person in Haifa, Israel in October 2022. If you are interested in hosting a regional gathering for Senior Fellows in your area in 2024 please fill out a collaboration grant application below.

Lead or Join a Community Connection Call

We are excited to continue to gather virtually in 2024. To stay up-to-date on our Community Connection Calls, check out our monthly Senior Fellows emails or check your email for calendar invitations from Logan.

If you’re interested in leading a Community Connection call, contact Roey with your ideas!


Apply for funding to support your individual and collective growth. One of Schusterman’s core values is equity, and our team is encouraging and prioritizing proposals centered around anti-racist learning and/or action. You are able to apply for four types of funding.

The Schusterman Fellowship team is excited to make further inroads in our pursuit toward greater transparency and equity in all elements of our program, including our Senior Fellows funding.  

Senior Fellows funding requests fall into four categories: Individual Leadership Development, Peak/Transition Coaching, Tactical Collaboration and Systems-Level Collaboration). 

Each funding application goes through a rigorous review process where it is scored on a rubric by two members of the Schusterman Fellowship team.  

The key tenets of our funding rubric are quality of application and alignment with our goals for the Senior Fellows network and Schusterman’s mission overall.    

Funding is intended for initiatives that align with the Schusterman Family Philanthropies vision, core focus areas and values. Read more about these here

This means we will not support initiatives from either side of the political spectrum that promote or engage in violence, terrorism, bigotry, antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism, sexism and anti-LGBTQ+ activities. We will not fund initiatives that support, endorse or engage in policies or activities that promote BDS and/or question Israel’s right to exist or the legitimacy of Israel as a secure, independent democratic state and homeland of the Jewish people. We also do not fund initiatives that reject the dignity of Palestinians or the democratic principles on which Israel was founded.

Please find below our current funding guidelines for each type of Senior Fellows funding with special notes for our Senior Fellows who are also consultants. 

Israel Relief Grants

This funding is intended for initiatives that align with the Schusterman Family Philanthropies vision, core focus areas and values. Read more about these here

  • Israel Relief Grants are immediate, one-time grants of up to $2,500 made towards emergency response programming and initiatives for populations affected by this crisis. 

  • Preference will be given to programs and initiatives being developed in partnership between two or more Fellows. 

  • Fellows are eligible for one relief grant from any Schusterman program. Fellows who are also members of the ROI and REALITY communities may receive one relief grant and should apply through only one program’s process.  

  • Grants are intended to impact multiple beneficiaries. Grants will not be made in support of specifically-named individuals or families. 

  • Funds cannot be used for purchase of military supplies. They can be used for other supplies like food, water, clothing, etc. 

  • Programming must comply with the guidelines set by relevant local authorities, for example, the Ministry of Health in Israel. 

  • No aspect of the initiative may involve an attempt to influence legislation, the outcome of any specific public election or support of any voter registration drive. 

  • Funds cannot be used for a Fellow’s organization's operations/infrastructure, or for direct payments to Fellows for their services.  

Examples include: 

  • Systems-Level Collaboration: Providing mental health support or supplies (food, water, clothing, etc.) to communities in need. You can apply for systems-level collaboration with other Fellows or if you are coordinating alone. Please use ‘N/A’ if you come across fields that are irrelevant in this moment. 

  • Tactical Collaboration: Fellow-consultant providing crisis communications support or an Israel-related briefing to another Fellow’s organization. 

  • Fellow-Led Gatherings: Fellows hosting in person meet-ups to be in a supportive community, organize relief efforts or discuss leadership questions you are facing. 

  • Individual Leadership Development: Fellows pursuing crisis coaching or attending trainings on advocacy or public narrative skills. 

1. Systems-level collaboration grants

Intended to support you in collaborating with another Senior Fellow or Fellows to address a big picture question, challenge or opportunity in alignment with Schusterman’s overall mission. These projects should transcend any one organization, representing a collaboration between two or more Fellows that mobilizes the diverse wisdom and expertise of the Senior Fellows Network to address system/sector-wide opportunities and challenges. 

All systems-level collaborations should not publicly name Schusterman as financial supporters, nor use Schusterman or Schusterman Fellowship logos and branding. In public-facing announcements, websites, articles, etc. you may use the language “This is a collaboration among Schusterman Fellows.” 

All systems-level collaboration grants are reviewed by two members of our Schusterman Fellowship team and OK-ed by members of Schusterman’s U.S. Jewish Grantmaking team (if Fellows are operating in the U.S.) and/or Israel Grantmaking (if Fellows are operating in Israel). 
Please note: Collaboration grants can range from $100 USD to $20,000 USD. 

2. Tactical collaboration grants

Intended to bring the economy of "offers and requests" to fruition, sharing skills and expertise across the network to create organizational and systemic impact. This can be in the form of facilitation, consultation or training with another Fellow. 
We prioritize funding through our Tactical Collaboration grants for self-employed Senior Fellows who are uniquely positioned to assist other Fellows’ organizations through various types of consulting services.  

Senior Fellows who are consultants are able to be pulled into other Senior Fellows’ organizations but are unable to utilize these grants by pulling another Senior Fellow into their consultancy. 

Please note: Tactical collaboration grants are up to $2,000 USD/year/recipient. 

3. Individual leadership development grants

Intended to support your continued personal and professional growth through unique leadership development experiences. 

Senior Fellows are not able to apply for Individual Leadership Development funding for the following uses: 

  • Hardware (ex: exercise equipment, computers, standing desks, clothing, etc.) 

  • Projects without an end date (ex: pets, memberships to professional organizations lasting more than one year 

  • Therapy 

  • For mental health and therapy resources, please find a dedicated section on the preferred provider list

  • Self-care that isn’t in the larger context of a retreat or a step-back tied to your own leadership goals (ex: acupuncture, standalone meals) 

Please note: Individual Leadership Development grants are up to $2,500 USD/year. 

4. Peak/transition coaching grants

Intended to support you in a key moment of transition, such as assuming an executive role, a significant promotion, a career transition or accepting a senior lay role. 
These funds are not available on an annual basis; rather, only during a time of significant professional transition. It is very rare that our team will accept two back-to-back years of peak/transition coaching grant requests. 

Please note: Peak/transition coaching grants are up to $2,500 USD. 

For more information and the Senior Fellows funding application, click here.


Caregiver Policy

Fellows are eligible for reimbursement for costs they incur for someone to care for a dependent while they are away from home overnight for Fellowship-related activities. You may be reimbursed up to $150 per day away from home. These funds are available for individual leadership development grants, Fellow-led gatherings, and gatherings run by the Fellowship team.

You do not need to indicate when you apply for one of these grants that you are interested in caregiving reimbursements. Please save all receipts related to caregiving and submit them when you apply for reimbursement for other related expenses.


Special Notes for Senior Fellow Consultants

We are so grateful for our Senior Fellows who consult as they are cross-pollinators in the network, serving all types of organizations and connecting across various lines of difference. Consultants serve a special role in the network and therefore have a few additional guidelines. 

Senior Fellows who are consultants are not able to apply for the following types of funding: 

  • Business expenses and business development (ex: CRM licenses, accounting) 

  • Website and brand development (ex: web developers, headshots) 

  • Tactical collaboration funding where Senior Fellow Consultant A is requesting to bring Senior Fellow Consultant B into their business. Senior Fellow Consultants may come into other, non-consultant Fellows’ organizations. 


As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need clarification on any of these funding guidelines. We are always learning and being pushed to consider new approaches to our work. Team members Roey Kruvi and Anyu Silverman are your go-tos for any Senior Fellows funding questions. 

Stay Connected on WhatsApp and LinkedIn

Connect with your fellow Fellows on our two channels: WhatsApp & LinkedIn.

  • Our LinkedIn group is for the community to share job postings, resources, inspiring thought leadership and to solicit leadership dilemmas from your peers. To join the LinkedIn group, click here.
  • Our WhatsApp channel is a thriving portal for you to engage with Senior Fellows all over the world. We encourage you to continue sharing kol hakavods and posting in-person run-ins with your fellow Fellows. To join the Senior Fellows WhatsApp group, click here.

Schusterman Fellowship Directory

To continue to stay in touch with the other Fellows in our network, take a look at the Schusterman Fellowship directory. We transitioned to Schusterman's new community platform over the past several months, so make sure to update your profile to reflect what you’re doing currently! Additionally, make sure to 'opt in' to the public-facing directory as you edit your profile. If you have any questions about how to edit your website profile, contact Logan.


Transition Support

Are you in career transition or thinking about moving to a new position? Contact Colleen so that our team can be on the lookout for new opportunities for you. Consider applying for a transition coaching grant through our Senior Fellows funding application.

Fellowship Consultant Network

Are you looking to hire a consultant to help your organization? Engage with a thought partner? Consider utilizing the robust consultant network within the Fellowship community. Learn more about our self-employed Fellows here. If you are a self-employed Fellow and would like any adjustments made to your information, please reach out to Anyu.


We are always working to enhance the experience and pilot new ideas and programs!

Feel free to reach out to Roey or any member of the Schusterman Fellowship Team with questions and ideas.