May 25, 2021
Today, we honor the memory of George Floyd, a son, brother, friend and neighbor who was murdered on the streets of Minneapolis by police officers one year ago today. We mourn with his family and the communities grieving his tragic loss.
George Floyd’s murder, and those of far too many Black people across the country whose lives were taken unjustly, sparked a wave of protests and a nationwide reckoning last summer. Since then, we have seen a growing national recognition of the need to address racial inequity across nearly every facet of our society.
While the police officer who murdered Floyd was convicted last month, we still have much work ahead of us to achieve meaningful, sustainable racial justice. We must all commit to this work, recognizing that the fight against structural racism is not a zero sum game but a pathway to progress for all Americans.
Justice is when people of color can enter a corner store, public park or their own home without fear of police brutality. Justice is when Black and Latinx students, like their white peers, can also have access to high-quality, culturally relevant education. Justice is when people of all races and zip codes can have the freedom to vote without changing rules subverted by partisan interests. Justice is when people of color can be reflected in every level of leadership and secure opportunities that support their right to flourish culturally and economically.
May we honor the memories of George Floyd and all Black lives taken unjustly before and since by working toward a world free from hate and with dignity and justice for all people.